

AutomationConnectIQ-Added Ver0.4.1

Ver0.4.1 of AutomationConnectIQ is released today.Added support for Connect IQ 4.2.0, 4.1.5 and 4.1.1.There seemed to be...

Flutter-“Failed to load dynamic library” at test.

When I was doing unit tests using a package called openpgp, I got the error "Invalid argument (s): Failed to load dynami...

Flutter-Creating a Launcher icon.

At firstWhen creating a Flutter launcher icon, it seems better to create it directly or use the following tools.Unfortun...
3D Printer

Adventurer3 Control – 3

Survey result of G code command used in interaction with FlashPrint of Adventurer3.

Visual Studio Code-Disable Extensions

One click to enable / disable the extension in Visual Studio code? I did a little research to see if it could be carried over to another folder.As a result, there was no such good thing.

PlatformIO-Management and use of self-made libraries.

A summary of how to manage your own library for use with PlatformIO, how to apply it to your project, and how to operate...

AutomationConnectIQ-Added Ver0.3

Ver0.3 released today.He made Ver0.3.1, but found that Japanese help was not included, so he immediately created and rel...

Creating a Garmin watch face: Font size

I was creating a watch face and found that the font size was quite different on different devices, so I summarized it.Up...
Adventurer3 Control

Adventurer3 Control – 6.5

Added convenient commands for inserting and removing filaments and cleaning the nozzle.This completes as a control program for Adventurer3.
Adventurer3 Control

Adventurer3 Control – 6.4

The problem that bed temperature does not go up when using what was output by FlashPrint.
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